Put your mind at ease with quality Bushfire Consulting Advice

Australian Bushfire Consulting Services mission is to provide accurate, relevant and precise advice to customers on all bushfire mitigation, legislation and protection measures. Our core business is to assist with the legislative requirements and process of development in bushfire prone areas. This is backed with experienced construction and design advice. We strive to provide the highest quality consulting and aim to deliver customer satisfaction second to none.

Accurate, high quality & customer focused consulting

Australian Bushfire Consulting Services capabilities extend from advising on all bushfire related matters on large scale developments and subdivisions to the provision of simple cost effective solutions and reports for smaller scale and owner builder projects. Our expertise is dealing with the legislated document Planning for Bush Fire Protection and AS3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas. Our depth of services extends from road and services design, construction detail, bushfire attack level determination (and optimisation), asset protection zone design, fuel management planning and emergency response planning.

While we are well versed in all “deemed to satisfy” arrangements we are also able to perform complex design fire modelling. We strive to maximise yield or lower bushfire attack level (BAL) determination wherever possible.

Our experience in consulting extends over 15 years and includes:

Integrated developments & Special Fire Protection Purpose Development

Subdivisions, Aged Care, Seniors Living, Schools, Hospitals, Child Care Centres, Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfast accommodation, Farm Stays , Ecotourism and Group Homes.

Infill development

New sole occupancy and dual occupancy dwellings, granny flats / secondary dwellings, alterations and additions to existing dwellings and construction of places of public assembly.

Asset Protection Zone

Landscape plan review, on-site design and identification of trees for retention or removal requirements and fuel management plans

Exempt and complying development

BAL Certificates (Bushfire Attack Level Certificates).

Construction and Occupation Certificate documentation.

Consultation and design review for construction certificate applications, Inspection and compliance reports for Occupation Certificate applications.

We can also assist with Emergency Management Plans, Fuel Management Plans and Bushfire Risk Management Plans. Our capabilities extend to providing expert witness services for Land and Environment Court matters.